
Establishment of Leaseurope’s Sustainability Coordination Platform

New Platform to coordinate and support Leaseurope's work on sustainability

Leaseurope has established a Platform to coordinate and support the numerous policy files related to sustainability that Leaseurope is working on in the Committees and Working Groups. The work of Leaseurope in the area of sustainability covers among other things the taxonomy regulation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), scope 3 emissions, sustainability accounting standards, the green asset ratio (GAR), environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, green leasing, green securitisation, or transition finance. The platform has been named Sustainability Coordination Platform and meets twice a year. The aim of the platform is to shadow the work of the European and international institutions in the area of sustainability and seek to advice the drafting of new regulation as well as to contribute to support Leaseurope’s outreach activities in this area.  

The competences that are under the remit of the Platform include research, exchange of practices, technical support and advice to the Leaseurope Committees and working groups. The Federation is also gradually incorporating more sustainability-related data into its statistics to support the work of Leaseurope on sustainability and to promote the importance of leasing for the financing of the green transition. 

Sustainability experts from the leasing industry are welcomed to join the Platform, if you wish to become a member of the platform, please contact Rafael Alarcón Abeti (r.alarconabeti [at] leaseurope.org).