
Activity on a Proposal for Access to In-Vehicle Data

Leaseurope has been and remains heavily invested in advocacy to see the introduction of a sectoral regulation to suitably govern access to in-vehicle data.

Although the recently adopted Data Act does address a number of concerns, and indeed several leasing and rental specific concerns following Leaseurope’s interventions, the Data Act alone is deemed insufficient on its own to ensure a long-term stable legislative level playing field.

Despite having received positive signals from Commissioner Bretons office that a suitable measure to govern access to in-vehicle data would be issued, this has so far not materialised. A recent decision of the European Court of Justice in what has been named the “Belron case” further endorses the need for a broader facilitation of access to in-vehicle data.

During these past few months Leaseurope has had numerous technical meetings with various Commission Directorates such as GROW, MOVE, CNECT, ENER, JUST, and TRADE. Leaseurope has also had political meetings with the cabinets of President von der Leyen, Commissioners Breton, Reynders, Vălean and Simson. Separate to this more recently we have focused our attention on Member States.

Separate from this technical work, we also held a second press conference on the 19 January that included the contribution of Leaseurope Board member and CEO of Ayvens Tim Albertsen, attracting significant follow-on media coverage.

Due to various political constraints, the European Commission will not issue a Proposal within this term and the Von der Leyen Cabinet has indicated this proposal will be taken forward in the next Mandate.